Get You Some_To format Page 16
I giggled at the move.
But I wasn’t laughing seconds later when his cock thrust all the way inside of me.
“Fuck,” I breathed.
And then there was no more talking. There was only panting, groping, thrusting, squirming and shuddering.
By the time he was done, I’d come twice, and he had just enough energy to head into the bathroom with me, clean up and then fall face first back into bed.
I laughed and walked over to the bed, putting a knee into it and tugging the blanket out from under his splayed body.
“Come ‘ere.”
I did, leaning over him until my still naked breasts brushed against his back, and my face was close to his.
I knew what he was searching for—a kiss.
Amazingly, I didn’t hesitate in giving him one.
He smiled, then twisted to grab my hand.
The move caught me off guard, and I lost my balance and fell into the bed with him, partially landing on top of him.
“Oooof,” I said, laughing lightly. “Geez, Johnny.”
He grumbled something, then curled so that his body was wrapped around mine, including his legs. “Sleep with me.”
I could feel him hardening against my hip, and I gently extricated myself out of his arms.
He didn’t let me go easily, but eventually, I was able to convince him that he needed to sleep.
“We have things to do tonight,” I said teasingly. “And you’ll need your strength.”
He opened one slightly bloodshot eye and said, “I have the strength to do that.”
I giggled as I stood and then walked to my dresser.
After locating a pair of leggings, a thong and a camisole with a built-in bra, I started slipping them on.
The bed shifted, and I looked over my shoulder as I pulled on the camisole and positioned the girls. I grinned at what I saw.
Johnny was once again on his back, the only thing covering him was the sheet.
And that sheet was tented, his cock enjoying the little inadvertent show that I hadn’t even realized I was putting on.
“Come on,” he whispered gruffly, sleep and other things heavy in his voice. “Just one more time. It’ll help me sleep better.”
I looked down at the leggings that were halfway up my legs and then shrugged.
“Fuck it.”
I pulled them off, walked back over to the bed and got busy doing what we both wanted to do.
“Take my truck!” Johnny yelled from the bedroom. “It’s cold as fuck outside, and mine is already warmed up!”
I didn’t bother arguing. It wouldn’t do me any good, and he was right. It was cold as hell outside, and that meant my truck would take forever to warm up.
In order to give Johnny a chance to catch some sleep, I left the apartment despite wanting to do nothing more than find a chair and curl into it and read all day.
But with the allure of Johnny just in the other room, I knew for a fact that I wouldn’t be able to stay away from him.
Not to mention he hadn’t wanted to go to sleep at all. So, in order for both of us to have a good night tonight with him awake and coherent, I admitted defeat and said that I had a few errands I had to run.
Which I did, kind of.
I had to go get cheese for sandwiches for next week.
That was an errand, wasn’t it?
I was also hoping I would see Rosie while I was out. I hated that Rosie was here. In my town.
Hated. It.
But, since it was a free freakin’ country and all, I had no say in where she hung her hat.
What I did have a lot to say about was that fact that she kept showing her face wherever my man happened to be, and honestly, I was getting pretty damn tired of it at this point.
She was everywhere.
If Johnny was expected to be there, so was she.
I’d lost count of how many times he’d told me that he’d been called to her place for a well-check.
This needed to stop.
I wanted her to go away, and so did he.
But I also really wanted to know what her endgame was here.
Which was why I was following her.
The only time that she left him alone was on Saturdays from around nine in the morning until mid-afternoon.
Now, I know what you’re thinking. How do I know this? Because every woman has some super sleuthing skills built into her genetic code. I started searching for her on Facebook after the incident—the one where she watched her ex and I doing it against the VFW building. Then, after I’d found out about her, I’d secretly stalked her, just as I’m sure she’d stalked me, so no judging me. I had time on my hands at work, and Coke didn’t give a shit if I was on the computer as long as I got the work done that he wanted done.
Anyway, long story short, I read a comment between her and a mutual friend of mine and found out that she was headed to an appointment that shouldn’t take more than a couple of hours. She also said that she’d be free to party when she got back.
That was last weekend, and now I was wondering where exactly she was going for these appointments.
Secretly, I was hoping that she was going to a mental hospital so that she could receive counseling, but I highly doubted that I was that lucky.
No, with my luck, she was probably having pictures of Johnny printed that she had secretly taken of him over the course of the week. Then she’d take them back to her place so she could Mod Podge them to her bedroom wall and lay in the middle of the room surrounded by him.
Giggling to myself at the absurdity of my thoughts, I drove to her apartment—the building that I’d thought Johnny lived in—and was rewarded when I saw her, dressed to the nines and carrying her purse, as she walked to her car.
She didn’t spare anyone a glance, confident in her craziness, and deposited herself into a hell of an expensive car for a person who was a vet tech at the only veterinarian’s office in a small Texas town.
Wondering how someone who probably made less than me could afford a Mercedes, I followed her.
But she didn’t go anywhere local. She headed out of town and didn’t stop for the next three towns.
When she crossed the county line, I realized that wherever she was going, it might not even be in the freakin’ state.
You know what they say about curiosity and cats?
I probably should’ve turned around once I realized she was leaving the state, but there was something urging me to follow her.
No, my gut was telling me that I needed to do this, and I was about to find out why.
Thankfully, Johnny had a full tank of gas, and he was loaded for a bear—or at least somebody really hungry.
There were many snacks of all varieties and flavors in his passenger seat. My guess was that he’d bought them to help with the boredom that he suffered on the night shifts. That, or eating something helped him stay awake.
Either way, I was very thankful when I finished my second honey bun and started on my third.
The car in front of me changed lanes, and I gave it a ten count before I followed suit.
I’d never followed anyone before, so I wasn’t sure how far I needed to stay back to avoid detection.
Apparently, I was doing just fine in my stealthy pursuit skills, because I followed her for nearly an hour and a half before she exited off.
When she pulled into a Starbucks parking lot off the interstate, I chose to hang out in the gas station’s parking lot and wait. Coffee wouldn’t do me any good right now. Especially not with the fact that the parking lot was a clusterfuck of giant proportions, and I’d probably wind up losing her by trying to pull out.
When she came out ten minutes later with the biggest goddamn cup they likely had and started her car, I eased the truck out of the parking spot and waited.
Moments after that, we were both traveling along the road again when she turned off whatever
main road we were on to a smaller one.
I hung back even farther now, realizing that we were tangling our way through a neighborhood, and I didn’t want her to spot me.
I had a moment of panic when I turned onto the street she’d turned on and couldn’t find her.
In my moment of panic, I looked frantically around and then passed a house as I realized that’s where she’d pulled over.
She was getting out of her car, coffee and purse in hand, and I stopped four houses down from the one she’d stopped at.
I opened the rear sliding glass window and put the truck in park before unbuckling and turning around in my seat to watch.
At first, there was nothing to see.
Nothing suspicious.
Nothing that pointed out her crazy.
Then the front door opened.
What I saw damn near brought me to my knees.
A young boy ran out of the house toward Rosie, but Rosie didn’t so much as crack a smile. The kid, on the other hand, looked ecstatic to see her.
Rosie still didn’t smile.
Then everything started to come into perspective, and the breath left my lungs.
Holy. Shit.
Holy, holy shit.
That kid couldn’t be mistaken for anything other than what he was.
A mini version of Johnny.
Oh. My. God.
My heart felt like it was breaking into a hundred thousand pieces right inside my chest, and I was finding it hard to breathe.
I licked my lips, then begged my eyes to see something, anything, other than what I was seeing.
But it was no use.
That little boy was Johnny’s. There was no fucking doubt in my mind.
And I knew, without a shadow of a doubt, that Johnny had no clue about him.
After our talk the other day about how much he wanted kids, about how he wanted six, and he wanted them close together in age…I knew that he wouldn’t have a child whose life he wasn’t a part of—even if he hated his mother.
Which left me with no idea what to do.
Did I call Johnny? Did I try to get proof?
I don’t know what to do!
I knocked on the door—an hour away from where I’d seen Rosie and that little boy—and waited.
I heard muted thuds against the floor indicating the approach of large booted feet and tensed in anticipation.
With little else to do, I made a rash decision that I hoped didn’t bite me in the ass later when Johnny found out what I’d done.
The door opened and there before me stood a man who looked so much like Johnny, it made my heart skip a second beat for the day.
One thing was certain, the men in this family had some excellent genes, and apparently, this man was definitely carrying all the dominant genes seeing as he’d passed them down to his son.
“Hello,” he rumbled. “Can I help you?”
I swallowed, nerves making my heart beat so fast that it couldn’t be healthy and said exactly what I shouldn’t have said.
“I need you to come with me.”
He frowned, and his eyebrows rose. “I don’t even know who you are. Why would I come with you?”
He looked me up and down as if doing so would jog his memory of who exactly I was, and I smacked myself on the forehead.
“I’m June.”
“Johnny’s June?” he asked.
I nodded my head. “Yes.”
I was. I was Johnny’s June.
My heart healed somewhat from the earlier shatter, but I knew that it’d only get worse from this point on.
I took a deep breath and blew it out.
“Is something wrong with Johnny?”
You could say that…
“Ummm, I’m not sure. Not yet. Kind of. Oh, God. This is tough. Can you just come with me?” I pleaded, unsure what to do or what to say.
My hands were shaking so bad that I was honestly worried about the state I was in and my ability to drive.
Johnny’s father took the keys from my hand, though, and gestured for me to get in on the passenger side. Once there, he opened my door and gave me a look that clearly said to get in and don’t complain.
I didn’t.
He rounded his son’s truck once I was in, and then followed suit, buckling himself in and then staring at me, obviously waiting for an explanation.
“It’s an hour drive,” I told him.
He grunted. “Tell me where to go.”
We arrived, and I was so fuckin’ nervous that I was finding it hard to breathe.
The boy wasn’t outside this time, and I was unsure what to do to get him outside without actually going to the door and ringing the doorbell…which is what I ultimately decided to do.
I hadn’t played ding-dong-ditch in a long freakin’ time, but here I was, about to do it.
“Just…stay here, okay? I’ll be back.”
Then I ran across the street, up to the front of the house, and did the unthinkable. I rang the doorbell, then sprinted.
I hadn’t run like that since high school.
But I made it back to the truck and dove inside before the door opened.
Thank God.
“What was…” Sebastian’s words fell off as the door opened, and he saw Rosie.
Then, the little boy scampered out, looking excited.
Sebastian’s words literally stalled in his throat as he saw the same thing that I saw two hours earlier.
Johnny’s son.
In the flesh.
There was no denying it now.
Not with Sebastian’s reaction.
“What do we do?”
I was sure that he was just as confused, just as angry, as I was.
“Let me make a few calls.”
Quietly, I sat there, waiting as he made those calls, to tell me exactly what in the hell we were going to do next.
“Baylee,” Sebastian said roughly into the phone. “Get someone to cover you. Quit. I don’t fuckin’ care. I need you to come to me now.”
The conversation was short, and I assumed that Baylee, his wife, had agreed.
Then he was hanging up and dialing another number, causing my heart to palpitate.
“Dad?” Sebastian’s gruff voice cracked. “I need help.”
Chapter 22
No, you cannot hit the person on the bicycle because he’s taking up half of the left lane.
-Things Johnny never thought he’d have to tell a grown up
I was well and truly convinced, by the time that I arrived where I had been told to arrive, that June needed a new truck. This one, while great for short trips around Hostel, was not good anywhere else. I had to stop for gas once already, and I was pretty sure she had an exhaust leak. Not to mention the fact that the thing shook so bad that I hadn’t been able to go over sixty the entire way here.
Needless to say, when I arrived I was not in a good mood, and that was all centered around the fact that I needed to have a discussion with June—my proud and stubborn woman—about her beloved truck. A truck that needed to be retired.
When I shut the engine off, I surveyed the parking lot.
My parents stood against my dad’s truck and neither one looked happy.
I got out quickly once I saw the look on their faces.
“Dad?” I paused when June rounded the back of my dad’s truck and came to a halt at seeing me. “June?”
My father looked up and gave me a half-hearted grin.
“Hey, boy.” He walked to me and didn’t bother to act like he wasn’t happy to see me. He threw his arms around my head and squeezed.
I felt like my head was going to pop right the fuck off—just like it always did when he did this—and felt something inside me settle since I’d left Benton a few months before.
So much had changed since that time—be
tween him and me, and June and me—that it felt like it was eons ago.
He let me go when a soft hand touched my arm.
My mother, who was technically my stepmother, gave me a soft smile, then wrapped her arms around me like we hadn’t parted on bad terms.
My eyes caught on June, who was huddled into herself next to the back of my dad’s truck, and I frowned. She looked like she was a nervous wreck, like something had happened—or she was guilty. I wasn’t really sure at this point.
“Glad you could come, boy,” Dad said, letting me go.
My mother sniffled and rubbed her face on my shirt before pulling away and bringing her hands up to cup my cheeks.
My dad’s hand came down on my shoulder.
I’d missed them more than I let on, and I felt like an ass for waiting as long as I did.
“What are we doing here?” I asked, frowning. “And why are y’all…”
A motorcycle roared up moments later, and my Pops got off the bike. He took one look at all of us in turn and settled his eyes on me.
I was so fucking confused.
“What the fuck?” I asked. “Why are we in the middle of a parking lot in the middle of a town that I’ve never been to for a family reunion?”
June made a noise in the back of her throat that had me looking at her with more suspicion, but then my grandfather made a noise.
My grandfather ignored me and walked to the truck where he stopped in front of June, surveying her with an intensity that made me move toward June in case she needed the support.
June’s eyes widened, but she held out her hand and shook my Pops’ hand with her own obviously shaky one.
She’d come a hell of a long way since I’d met her, that was for sure.
They all looked at me, and I felt a sense of foreboding roll through me.
“I had no clue what else to do,” June said, drawing my attention once to her.
“What are you…”
Then my Pops shoved a folder into my hand and flipped it open.
Pops was always all about ripping the Band-Aid off.
My eyes at first couldn’t comprehend what I was seeing on the paper…a little boy.
A baby.
A birth certificate was behind it.
Then another picture caught my eye, and my hands went fucking numb as my body reared back in shock.