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The buzzer went off, and Rosie’s face fell. “I won’t give up.”
I shrugged and looked away, my eyes falling on June.
June, who had her fucking hand in her partner’s hand.
I saw red.
Then stood.
The next thing I knew, I was in front of June and tossing her over my shoulder.
Chapter 14
Apparently, you can’t use ‘beefstew’ as your password. It’s not stroganoff.
-Hostel PD FB page
Things had gotten out of control.
I’d had everything buttoned up, tucked in and clamped down tight. Then she had to go and do what she did.
I mean, I’d even made it through dealing with Rosie, of all the goddamn people in the world, and didn’t lose it.
But her touching some other man?
Yeah, that didn’t sit well with me at all.
I’d well and truly lost it, and I didn’t know how the hell I’d sunk so far down into the crazy pit I found myself slogging in.
But I had.
And now I had one very pissed off female on my hands.
“I cannot believe you just did that,” June seethed. “You literally picked me up and carried me out of the building like I was a child. I’m not a child, Johnny. I’m an adult. A-D-U-L-T. Do you know what that is?” she yelled, slamming her tiny fists into my backside.
I wouldn’t tell her that it felt good.
My ass had been hurting because I sat in that hard as hell chair for so long.
She’d just stop doing it, and then I’d have to think about her ass in my hands as I walked us both around the side of the building.
We made it to the deepest, darkest spot, and I set her down to stand on her own two feet.
She immediately started in.
“You…you are a shit head.” She poked me in the chest with a finger.
“I may be, but at least I’m honest,” I countered.
Her mouth fell open in affront. “How dare you!”
I laughed deeply.
“Just because you don’t like what I have to say, doesn’t mean that it isn’t true,” I countered. “How could you let some other man touch you? You’re. Mine.”
“I’m not yours.”
“You are.”
“I’m not,” she argued. “And, just sayin’, but you looked pretty fuckin’ cozy with that other girl over there. You didn’t see me storming over there and bitch slapping her, now did you?”
I got into her face and crowded her against the brick building.
“You’re gonna need to calm down, because I’m getting really fuckin’ excited over here,” I growled. “All I can think about is you, and the way your chest heaves when you are angry. I can’t fuckin’ think right now. Please.” I rested my forehead against hers. “And that woman was my ex. I haven’t seen her since right after I was first deployed. Trust me when I say I hate her more than you hate that Beatrice bitch from the fancy steak restaurant a few weeks ago.”
June inhaled deeply, then she did the exact opposite of what I told her.
She got pissed.
And her getting pissed meant that I wasn’t ready for her to slam her mouth over mine. Meaning I lost that last bit of control that I’d managed to hold onto.
She tasted like cherries.
Cherry lip gloss. Or possibly Chapstick.
Her hands went to my head, and the throbbing headache that had been pounding its way through my skull seemed to abate, ever so slightly.
And then she pressed the rest of her body up against mine. Her breasts. Her shapely thighs. Her fingers.
She felt like scorching heat on a cold winter’s night.
Like a goddamn breath of fresh air after a sandstorm in the middle of the Afghani desert.
And when her tongue hesitantly touched mine, I clenched my fists and planted both forearms against the wall so I wouldn’t accidentally grab her and forget that she needed me to be gentle.
Every single part of my body was taut. I was like a bowstring, full of power and anticipation, just waiting for her to pull me back and let me go. I just knew, at any moment, she was going to tell me no.
She was going to push me away. She was going to tell me exactly what I expected to hear…yet those words never left her mouth.
I was panting, my dick was straining against my zipper, and I didn’t feel my headache at all when she finally did push me away.
She didn’t push me far, and she made up for it by placing her hand on my sternum and slowly sliding it down my body.
“You know what?” she gasped, her breathing just as erratic as mine. “I’m fairly sure that we’re going to hate each other in a minute.”
“Why?” I growled, my voice low and gravelly.
Later, I’d contemplate why she affected me so much. Why, in her presence, I forgot about everything and everyone. My surroundings, the people that might be around us at the time, and why the hell I was even there in the first place.
But for now, with her hand hovering at my belt, about to bridge the gap between it and my cock, I couldn’t focus on anything other than her. Us. This.
“Do it,” I ordered.
I wished I could see her face, but in the darkness, the parking lot’s lights glowing in the distance, the only thing I could do was feel—and feel I did.
Especially when she finally moved her hand away from my leather belt to cover my cock.
It was then that I cursed these stupid, stiff pants again.
The pants weren’t only fire retardant, they were also thick to help protect us in case of a scuffle or a foot pursuit through the woods. They were the most goddamn awful things I’d ever put on.
I couldn’t even feel the heat of her palm as she cupped me.
It didn’t matter, though.
I could imagine what it felt like.
“Take my cock out,” I pleaded.
I needed her hands on me like I needed oxygen in my lungs. I was sure if she didn’t give me what I wanted, I’d pass out like a little bitch right there in the grass. That, or I’d go home and cry into my Cheerios.
Either way, I needed it.
Bad. And tears would be in my future if I didn’t get it.
She hesitated only slightly, but then skimmed her thumb up, pushing it under the flap of fabric covering my zipper, until she came to the zipper pull.
With deliberate slowness, she slid it down one damn notch at a time.
My breathing was labored, and my hands were curled into such tight fists by her head that I’d lost feeling in them a long time ago.
Despite the loss of feeling, I left them where they were.
And the longer she took, the harder I throbbed.
By the time the gap of my pants was open as far as it could accommodate, I was nearly swaying from side to side in anticipation.
I hadn’t had sex in a long time.
Since Rosie.
It had been right after I was first deployed.
I’d had one family emergency that I’d had to come home to, and she’d been visiting her own family at the time.
I’d seen her at the goddamn grocery store and seeing her so fucking at ease had really pissed me off.
I’d followed her home, ready to give her a piece of my mind, and it’d only ended up with me fucking the shit out of her and leaving just as quickly as I’d come. I’d been disgusted with myself, but I blamed it on the fact that my father had been in the hospital for smoke inhalation and a possible heart attack. My state of mind wasn’t in the best place, and then I’d gone and fucked up my head more by trying to figure out what I ever saw in her.
But now, with June? I realized exactly what I’d always missed with Rosie.
I hadn’t had any idea what that had been then, but I sure the fuck did now.
It’d been less than a month of knowing he
r, but I didn’t know how I’d ever lived life before her.
She was in my every waking thought, and she never strayed far from my mind.
I wondered what she was doing constantly, and how she slept the night before.
My fingers itched to hold her, and I wondered if she would miss me if I were gone.
I fucking loved her.
Oh, holy shit.
The revelation made me take a step back. Made me realize that we shouldn’t be doing this here.
But before I could get so much as a step backward, she finally got the courage to put her hand in my pants.
The moment her tiny hand, smooth and slightly cold, touched my cock? Yeah…I was a goner.
Mr. Good Intentions was gone. In his place was Mr. Get You Some.
My breath left me in a rush, and my hips jerked involuntarily as her thumb swept over the head of my cock. There was no doubt at all that she didn’t feel how much I needed her. On top of the iron bar impression my dick was currently performing, pre-come was leaking from me in a steady rush.
I wished I could see her face.
“Yeah?” I rasped, moving closer so that my elbows were once again collapsed beside her head. Hands still in a tight fist by her ears.
“I don’t think you’re going to fit.”
I growled low in my throat. “Let me tell you something, honey.”
“Yeah?” she whispered.
I leaned down until my breath tickled her ear. “It’s gonna fit, mostly because we’ll make it fit.”
She shivered.
“Why aren’t you touching me?” she asked, her lips rubbing against my neck as she spoke.
I licked my dry lips before I replied.
“I don’t want to scare you,” I admitted. “I don’t want to freak you out by holding on when you’d rather be let go. I want you to touch me without worrying about me touching you.”
She hummed in the back of her throat. “How will you fuck me against this wall if you can’t touch me?”
I didn’t have an answer to that, because as much as I wanted to do that, I couldn’t.
“We can’t…”
Before I could continue to explain why we couldn’t, she dropped down to her knees, and I felt her search for my cock in the darkness. Then it was in her mouth, and I found it hard to breathe.
“Oh, sweet baby Jesus,” I breathed. “Fuck me.”
She laughed. Around my cock.
Sweet good goddamn.
She hadn’t so much as taken a single tiny lick at the pre-come that was dotting the tip of my cock, and I was ready to blow.
I mean, yes, I’d masturbated—a lot—since the last time I’d had sex. But I’d never been the type of guy to just go find a woman and fuck her.
But maybe I should have because…I was seconds away from blowing my load and she hadn’t so much as gotten me into her mouth all the way yet.
“I can’t do this,” I squeezed my eyes shut. “If I don’t fuck you now, I’m going to blow my load down your throat, and then lose the ability to stand, let alone hold you up. So get up here.”
I could feel her indecision.
Could also feel the reluctance in her movements.
The moment she was standing, though, she let me go and placed both of her hands on my chest.
“I’m gonna be okay, Johnny,” she promised.
I knew she would. She was a strong girl.
“If you need me to stop, just say so.”
I felt her nod against my chest.
“Put your hands on me,” she pleaded.
I did, and the moment that my hands touched the sides of her hips, she started to shimmy her shirt up. “My skin,” she ordered. “Touch my skin.”
I followed her directions, moving my hands from her hips to her ribs, and felt my hands clench.
She shuddered, and I immediately removed them.
“No,” she snapped. “That was a good response. Not a bad one.”
I didn’t want to fuck this up. I wanted to make sure it was good.
I wasn’t sure what to do. Where to put my hands. And I was getting more and more convinced that doing it here and now was a bad idea.
But when I expressed that opinion moments later, I never would’ve guessed at the response I got.
“I think we should take this to your place…or mine,” I suggested, hoping that she’d want to take it somewhere else and not call it off completely.
What I hadn’t expected was for her to start stripping right there instead of leaving.
“But June…”
“No,” she repeated.
Then, without waiting for me to protest a third time, she launched herself at me.
It took everything I had not to fall backward on my ass. I hadn’t expected it at all, and there was nothing I could do but hold on and hope that my balance was good enough to keep us both upright.
It was, but only just barely.
My pants slid all the way down, and there was nothing covered from the point where my uniform shirt stopped, right around the middle of my ass, to where my pants were bunched around my ankles.
“Just shut up and kiss me.”
My arms were wrapped around her, holding her so tightly to me because I didn’t want to chance her falling and me having to move my hands lower.
Like to her ass where I so desperately wanted them.
Before I could do anything more, her mouth found mine, and my dick took over. My brain decided that other things were much more important at this point and then redirected all my blood flow back to my cock.
Everything was back to rock hard, and my balls were drawn up so tightly that I would’ve been worried had she not had me tied in knots.
I could feel the heat of her pussy practically branding my stomach, and I wanted nothing more than to do some rearranging. However, June was doing awesome, and since I didn’t want to freak her out, and I had no idea how fast I should proceed, I let her do all the work.
I held her up, but she decided it was go-time when she reached between us and placed my cock at her entrance.
Once she had it resting at the mouth of her pussy, she skimmed her lips along the line of my jaw, and then paused next to my ear. “Push it inside me.”
I let her weight go slightly and felt the heat of her swallow the tip of my cock.
I swallowed tightly, my eyes clenching shut at the feeling of her practically burning me.
“Oh, sweet Jesus,” she breathed.
Or maybe that was me?
I wasn’t really firing on all cylinders at this point. Especially when she started to wiggle to try to get more of me.
“Johnny, please,” she mewled. “You’re killing me.”
I swallowed, and loosened my hold even more, then went a step further and pressed her back up against the brick wall of the building.
I was so focused on her, and everything I was feeling, as well as not coming like a two-pump chump, that I failed to pay attention to the important things. Such as the fact that neither one of us had thought to put on a condom—or our surroundings.
I dropped her down farther and swallowed convulsively when she started to clench and unclench.
“If you keep doing that, I’ll never get inside,” I promised her. “Our first time will end before it begins.”
She started to giggle, and that didn’t help at all either.
The rhythmic clenching and unclenching of her pussy, paired with the way she felt so hot and slick, was my undoing.
I couldn’t be that nice guy that she needed anymore—the one that was considerate and understanding. I wasn’t that kind of guy. I was rough, gruff, and a past-due horny bastard.
With nothing else to do but what was instinctual at that point, I moved my hands until they were resting on her hips, held her up with my lower b
ody, and slammed myself home.
I filled her completely in one rough thrust.
She gasped in a breath and looked at me for one panic-stricken minute that had my body fighting within itself.
I wanted to stop…but it was like my body wasn’t complying with my brain’s orders.
But then her eyes cleared at seeing the worry—the fight—that was in mine. And just like that, she was with me once again. All pain was erased from her features, and a look of determination took over her face.
With the strength of her legs that were wound around my back, she started to bounce. Her hands went to my hair, and her mouth came down to land on mine.
Our tongues tangled, my hands tightened on her hips. My fingers dug into her flesh.
And my balls drew up even tighter.
There was no denying it now.
I was totally and completely gone for this woman, and when she went wild, I went right along with her.
My tongue went to tangle with hers, and I gave it as good as I got.
Then she stiffened in my arms as her orgasm overtook her. I wasn’t far behind as I followed her over the edge. And moments after it all began, it was over.
I would’ve been embarrassed had I not still been high on endorphins. Everything felt so raw, so new, that I stayed exactly where I was and tried to come to terms with what just happened.
One of those things being the fact that I hadn’t used a condom.
“June,” I started.
“I know.”
“You know that I didn’t use a condom?” I pushed.
She nodded. “I trust you.”
“You should’ve told me.”
She snorted. “You’re too good of a guy. If I said that I hadn’t done this before, you would’ve gone all morals on me, and I wouldn’t have had my chance to have you.”
There was that.
And since there was no doubt in my mind that she’d been pure when I had her, and I trusted her beyond reason, I knew that I had nothing to worry about on my end—you know, other than a pregnancy.
Which, surprisingly, was the least scary part about this whole thing.
“Are you okay?” I whispered against her hair.
“Yes,” she promised. “Better than okay.”
That’s when Rosie decided that she didn’t like playing second fiddle to June.
“You know,” Rosie drawled. “If you’d have just told me that you liked it kinky, and out in public, I would’ve been more than willing to accommodate you.”